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Is Greece Safe for Travelers in 2023? Safety Tips

is greece safe

Greece is the Mediterranean’s safest country. It’s filled with beautiful landscapes, deep history, and lively culture. Planning a trip involves thinking about safety. Fortunately, Greece ranks high for safety, making it perfect for your next vacation.

Greece has never faced a terrorist attack from Al-Qaeda or ISIS, says Greeka. The State Department considers Greece a level-one destination, meaning you should just be careful like anywhere else. According to the Global Peace Index, Greece is average for safety, conflicts, and political issues.

There’s little violent crime, homicide, and people in jail in Greece. The locals are very friendly and always ready to help visitors. So, when you visit ancient ruins, relax on the beaches, or walk around cities, you’ll feel safe and at home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Greece is considered the safest country in the Mediterranean region.
  • There has never been a terrorist attack from Al-Qaeda or ISIS in Greece.
  • The State Department classifies Greece as a level-one destination, requiring normal precautions.
  • Greece has low levels of violent crime, homicide, and incarceration.
  • Locals in Greece are known for their hospitality and willingness to assist tourists.

General Safety Tips for Travelers to Greece

When in Greece, keep your stuff safe. Watch out for pickpockets, especially in Athens. It’s good to have a bag that you can wear across your chest. Be careful of pickpockets when you’re near traffic.

Avoid bad neighborhoods after midnight. These tips work in Europe and the USA too.

To have a hassle-free trip in Greece, remember these safety tips. Being careful is key:

1. Stay Alert in Crowded Areas

Greece draws big crowds to its sights. With lots of people around, pickpockets find easy targets. Keep an eye on your things and be alert all the time.

2. Use Secure Bags

Use a bag with a good lock that you can wear safely. This will make it tough for pickpockets to get to your stuff. Always keep your bag in front while in crowded places or on the bus.

3. Be Cautious with Valuables

Don’t leave your valuable stuff alone, not in public or your room. Keep your expensive items safe. Use a hotel safe or a travel safe you can take with you.

4. Be Mindful of Street Crossings

Look both ways when you cross a street. Pickpockets can target people who aren’t paying attention. Be sure to keep your wits about you on busy streets.

5. Avoid Walking Alone at Night

Even though Greece is usually safe, be careful at night. Stay where it’s bright and busy. Avoid dark, quiet areas, especially if you don’t know them. Walk with others, use public transport, or call a trusted taxi.

6. Stay Informed About Local Customs and Laws

Know the local customs and laws before you go to Greece. Respect the culture and wear the right clothes, especially at religious sites. Make sure you know any rules for where you’re visiting.

7. Stay Connected and Share Your Itinerary

Let your family and friends know where you’re going. Give your trip details to someone who can help if needed. Carry a phone with local emergency numbers saved. Use travel apps for the latest safety tips and directions.

With these safety tips, travelers can enjoy Greece safely. Explore the stunning country with peace of mind.

Avoiding Pickpockets and Scams in Greece

When you travel to Greece, keep an eye out for pickpockets and scams. Pickpocketing is common there. But, they’re usually not violent. If something happens, locals often lend a helping hand.

To avoid pickpockets, put your money in different pockets or bags. This means you won’t lose everything if a pickpocket strikes. You can also use a money belt under your clothes. This makes it hard for thieves to get to your valuables.

It’s vital to be aware of your surroundings. Guard your personal space and look out for strange behavior. Stay alert in crowded spots like buses or famous sights where pickpockets lurk.

Always check what you buy, count your change, and haggle prices upfront to dodge common scams.

When shopping, make sure what you’re getting is real. If a deal sounds too good, it might not be true. Research sellers well before buying.

If someone pressures you to buy or give money, trust your gut. Say no if it feels wrong. Knowing about scams and being strong can stop them from tricking you.

Common Travel Scams in Greece:

  • Watch out for fake jewelry and antiques. Sellers might try to pass off fake items as real for a high price.
  • Some restaurants might overcharge you or add hidden fees. Look up places before eating to avoid surprises.
  • Be careful when using ATMs. Make sure they’re safe to use and no one is trying to steal your card info.
  • With taxis, pick only the licensed ones. Make sure they turn on the meter. Agree on the price before the ride to avoid issues.


To steer clear of pickpockets and scams in Greece, follow these tips. Stay focused, trust yourself, and have an amazing trip. Keep your valuables and personal information safe.

Avoiding Dangerous Areas at Night in Greece

Big Greek cities like Athens are usually safe. But, it’s wise to be careful and stay away from some places at night. Exarcheia is one such area. It has a bohemian vibe but also sees more crime, like petty theft and vandalism. To enjoy your time safely, keep these tips in mind:

Travel in groups

It’s safer to go out at night in groups than by yourself. With friends or other travelers, you can keep each other safe. Plus, it’s easier to get around places you don’t know well when you’re not alone.

Utilize phone apps for additional security

Now, there are apps that can keep you safe when you travel. Safeture and TripWhistle can warn you about danger and give safety tips for Greece. They can even tell you where to find help, or the best ways to get somewhere safely.

Avoid using ATMs at night

It’s best not to use ATMs in Greece when it’s dark. This can lower the risk of being robbed or scammed. If you need cash, try to get it during the day or choose well-lit, secure ATM spots. Always watch your back and make sure no one is looking over your shoulder while you use the machine.

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Consult trustworthy local resources

When you’re planning or need safety advice, it’s key to ask trustworthy sources. Use local tourism sites, official travel advisories, and reputable blogs. Knowledge from several trustworthy places helps you stay safe and know which areas to steer clear of at night.

Stay educated about staying safe in Greece and you can enjoy the night scene with peace of mind.

Common Dangerous Areas at Night in Greece
Omonoia Square
Victoria Square


Greece is a safe place for travelers. It has low risks of terrorism and violent crime. Yet, it’s smart to be careful and keep your stuff safe.

It’s key to watch out for pickpockets and scams. Always keep your money and valuables in separate places. Use secure pouches or money belts. Stay aware of your surroundings. Also, it’s best to avoid risky areas at night, like Exarcheia in Athens. And go with others when possible for more safety.

These simple steps can help you fully enjoy Greece without stress. You can visit ancient sites, soak up the sun on beautiful beaches, and taste amazing Greek food. Greece promises a wonderful and safe time for everyone.


Is Greece a safe country for travelers?

Yes, Greece is known as a safe place to visit. It has low terrorism risks and not much violent crime. Overall, it’s considered safe for travelers.

What safety tips should travelers follow when visiting Greece?

Keep your stuff safe when you travel in Greece. Watch out for pickpockets, especially on public transport in Athens. Stay away from risky neighborhoods after midnight.

It’s good to travel with others and have a safety app on your phone. Check with locals on any unsafe areas. It’s wise to avoid places that aren’t safe at night.

How can travelers protect themselves from pickpockets and scams in Greece?

To avoid pickpockets and scams, use different pockets for your money. Or, get a secure pouch or belt for your valuables. Always be aware of your surroundings.

Make sure your purchases are real, and count your change. Try to agree on prices before buying things.

Are there any dangerous areas in Greece that travelers should avoid at night?

Big cities in Greece, like Athens, are mostly safe. But, avoid places like Exarcheia at night; it has a known rough scene. Always check with locals and don’t use ATMs after dark.

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