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Is Cyprus Safe for Travelers? Safety Guide 2023

cyprus beach from above

Millions of tourists visit Cyprus each year. This small island in the Mediterranean is famous for its beautiful beaches, deep history, and lively culture. But like in any place, safety is key for visitors.

Walking through Cyprus feels amazing. The warm sun on your skin and the calm vibe all around make you feel at peace. Exploring old ruins and trying local food adds to the charm. It really connects you to this lovely place.

Cyprus is pretty safe for tourists. The U.S. Department of State’s Cyprus Travel Advisory says the country is usually safe. Although there are a few risky spots, the overall risk for tourists is low. Just keep up with the security news and be cautious. Doing this will help you have a great, safe time in Cyprus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exercise normal precautions while in Cyprus.
  • Stay informed about the current security situation.
  • Follow the guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of State’s Cyprus Travel Advisory.
  • Be aware of the existence of the UN buffer zone, which separates the northern and southern parts of the island.
  • Enter and exit the Republic of Cyprus only through specific airports and seaports designated by the government.

old city cyprus

Travel Advisory and Precautions

Thinking of visiting Cyprus? Make sure to check the safety situation first. The U.S. Department of State offers advice to keep travelers safe. They update you and help you get ready for your trip.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a must before heading to Cyprus. It lets you get safety tips and alerts from the U.S. embassy. In an emergency, it’s easier for the government to help you. Signing up for STEP boosts your travel safety.

Country Security Report

Looking at Cyprus’ Country Security Report before you go is wise. It tells you about the safety there and what to watch out for. Knowing this helps you make smart travel choices. The report gives a full view of Cyprus’ safety.

Traveler’s Checklist

Getting ready for Cyprus means more than packing. It’s key to plan and take safety steps. The U.S. State Department’s checklist is very useful. It covers everything from visas to local rules. With this, your Cyprus trip can be safe and fun.

Stay tuned with the latest by checking the State Department’s social updates. Beyond the Cyprus Travel Advisory, they share on-the-spot tips and help. This keeps you well-informed all journey long.

By using STEP, reading the security report, and following the checklist, your Cyprus adventure will be safer. Keeping aware, prepared, and watchful are your travel buddies. This way, you can truly relax and enjoy your time.

Safety and Security Concerns

template in cyprus

Cyprus hasn’t faced much recent terrorism. But, the U.S. Department of State warns attacks might still happen. So, it’s smart to stay alert, especially in tourist spots.

Political protests might pop up out of the blue, usually in cities. It’s best not to join in or hang around at these events. They could get out of hand quickly and become unsafe.

Generally, tourists don’t face much crime in Cyprus. Still, it’s wise to watch your stuff and be careful. Lock up valuables and follow basic safety tips to lower the chance of theft.

Be cautious at night, especially about drink spiking. Always keep an eye on your drink, say no to strangers’ offers, and don’t leave your drink alone. Staying with friends reduces the risk.

Cyprus is tough on drugs – no ifs, ands, or buts. Using, having, or selling drugs can lead to big fines or jail. Remember to respect the local laws for a smooth trip.

Same-sex relationships are legal in Cyprus. Yet, LGBTQ+ acceptance can vary outside big cities. Being discreet and respecting local views is key for a positive visit.

With the right information and precautions, Cyprus can offer a safe and fun time to visitors.

Historical and Political Background

church in cyprus

Cyprus has a deep and complicated past, leading to its current divided state. It has been fought over by Turkey and Greece for a long time, with arguments and fights dating back many years. Because of this, Cyprus is now split into two areas.

The south is controlled by Cyprus’ government, acknowledged by most countries. But the north is looked after by the Turkish Cypriots, who see it as the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.” Still, many countries, like the United States, don’t see it as its own country.


The line between these two parts is a UN buffer zone, also called the Green Line. It is a peace line to stop fights and keep the peace.

Also, the time when Cyprus was a British colony is important. The British were in charge from 1878 until 1960. British rule really affected the island’s way of life, laws, and politics.

The fights and differences in politics make visiting Cyprus not so simple. Historical and political issues keep affecting the country today. So, knowing about Cyprus’ past is key for anyone going there.


Cyprus is seen as a safe spot for visitors, despite its complex history and politics. The U.S. Department of State suggests using common sense while there. It’s smart to know what’s happening with the security and to stay alert.

Make sure to watch out for your things and not take unnecessary risks. Be careful of possible political protests. But overall, Cyprus has low crime rates.

For a smooth trip, follow these Cyprus travel safety pointers:

  • Secure your valuables and keep an eye out for pickpockets.
  • Stay tuned with the news on security through official means.
  • Avoid walking by yourself at night in places that seem unsafe.
  • Obey the local laws and customs, and steer clear of illegal actions.
  • Drink responsibly and don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know to prevent drink spiking.
  • Obey any safety advice given by where you’re staying or who you’re touring with.

Always keep these pointers in mind and enjoy your time in Cyprus free from worries.


Is Cyprus safe for travelers?

According to the U.S. Department of State, Cyprus is safe for tourists. You should just take basic safety steps. Make sure to keep up with the latest security info.

What precautions should I take while traveling to Cyprus?

Sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for safety updates and help if needed. Also, read the Country Security Report for Cyprus and plan for any emergencies. It’s smart to follow the Department of State on social media. This way, you’ll get quick updates. Remember, check the Traveler’s Checklist for important travel tips.

Are there any safety and security concerns in Cyprus?

Cyprus has not had recent terrorist threats. But, always stay alert, especially in areas with lots of tourists. Try to avoid any sudden protests. Crime against visitors is rare, but it’s good to be cautious with your things. Be careful of your drinks and try not to lose sight of your friends. Remember, Cyprus is very strict on illegal drugs. LGBTQ+ travelers may face some issues, especially outside the big cities.

What is the historical and political background of Cyprus?

Cyprus has a long history of tension between Greece and Turkey. This has left the island divided. The south is controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, and the north by Turkish Cypriots. They call it the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.” Most countries, including the U.S., don’t see it as a separate country. The UN keeps a zone between the two areas to help keep peace. Cyprus was a British colony until 1960.

Is Cyprus a safe travel destination?

Even with its complex history, Cyprus is a safe place to visit. Just take normal travel precautions. Keep up with security updates. Being mindful of political events and following safety tips makes for a smooth, enjoyable trip.

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